Who is Mayar?

Mayar Community Infrastructure was founded by Karl Plunkett and Sandra Moore, who have extensive knowledge and experience in local development and construction in remote and regional areas of Australia. Together, they have partnered to provide job opportunities for Indigenous and other local communities when building remote housing developments.

Karl Plunkett has over 30 years of experience in construction and development, including working on projects in remote and regional areas. He has a strong focus on community engagement and has a deep understanding of the challenges faced by remote communities.

Sandra Moore and her husband have over 20 years of experience in the construction industry, with a focus on infrastructure and housing development. He has worked on a range of projects across Australia, including in remote and regional areas.

Through their partnership in Mayar Community Infrastructure, Plunkett and Moore are committed to providing economic opportunities for Indigenous and other local communities.

One of the key ways that Mayar Community Infrastructure provides job opportunities for local communities is by building remote housing developments. These developments provide safe, secure, and comfortable housing for remote communities, while also creating jobs and skills during construction and ongoing maintenance.

Mayar Community Infrastructure is committed to working collaboratively with local communities to identify their infrastructure needs and develop projects that meet these needs. By engaging with community members and leaders, Mayar Community Infrastructure is able to develop projects that are tailored to meet the unique needs of each community.